A Tribute To Jesus 2001 Poem by Marquita Lawson

A Tribute To Jesus 2001

There is no more pain.
A soft breeze sweeps my cheek...
the dews of struggle evaporate from my face.
An enveloping warmth, a radiant glow lifts my head...
My eyes behold that which was only a PROMISE hoped.

He is here!
Just as He promised!
A thousand times, a million ways
More beautiful than ever imagined!
It is true that words cannot paint
a proper picture of Glory.

O, King of heaven and of all creation,
I praise Your glorious name!
Jesus, my savior, Lord of my soul
I can scarcely catch my breath.
My heart explodes with joy!

Humbly, Your servant bows before You.
My soul bursts with song.
O Father, thank You for the day
Of repose in the meadow...
Your daisies gently gracing the green.

You gave me rest beneath the Oak and
Sat with me
throughout all my days and nights.
The PEACE that flowed through me
Surely came from You, my Prince.

Here, there is no shadow, no doubt, no fear, no evil.
My ears hear no unkind word.
My eyes see no maleficent deed.
My nose smells no repugnant odor.
My lips taste no bitter thing.
My body feels No discomfort.

Here there is brilliance,
Certainty, security, and good.
My ears hear songs of the angels and saints.
My eyes see Love
more resplendent than the auroras.
My nose smells
gentle incense of prayers to the King.
My lips taste honey and sweet fruit.
My body feels at ease,
refreshed as from slumber.

You are the faithful one, my Father,
Yet you bestow this gift of eternity
upon this child!
Thank You for salvation!
Thank You for the honor
of being in Your almighty presence
You've brought me into Your glory!

I will serve You with delight!
My Redeemer! Friend! Brother! Lord!
All powerful, All knowing, Supreme being!
I am home!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: eternity
The death of a church friend inspired this
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