A Toxic Persuasion Poem by Margaret Alice Second

A Toxic Persuasion

I'm still in a state of shock, morbidly fascinated
and horrified that human beings still perpetrate
hell on earth, demons in hell can't imitate man-
kind's fallen state: the world is overpopulated so
it makes sense to give medicos carte blanche to
experiment on each other and kill unsuspecting
people in the name of science - but

What really shocked me is to discover I allowed
them to experiment on me, to accept a prescription
for pregabalin which shrinks the brain and causes
inflammation so that inflammatory cells destroy the
mitochondria thus causing muscles to break down,
inflame the joints and cause arthritis - I invited an
unscrupulous fool to prescribe this poison

By complaining of neck and back pain and never in
6 years of poisoning myself, queried the wisdom of
chronic burning, sweating and chills, swelling so I
could not wear any covering on my feet, right-hand
muscles atrophying so I could not write any more,
eyes gritty and dry so no more reading, hearing so
bad while ear-ache made life miserable -

Ulcers in my mouth and throat - and I kept PAYING
Pfizer a king's ransom monthly to obtain this poison
which I had to combat with more expensive medicine
in order to keep walking; what a fool I was, thus I'm
horrified by my own compliance in wanton destruction
of my body by not stopping these butchers - instead
aiding them to kill more innocent victims:

Can you blame me for living in a state of shock? And
my beloved being a very kind, self-righteous person
who does not even understand why I'm mad at being
poisoned as he can't understand why I blame Lyrica:
what does it matter to live in a decaying, rotting body
as long as I feel drunk and high all the time? This kind
of love is of a toxic persuasion also -

I'm shocked to realise he does not care about me as a
person, only as an appendage to him made to serve
his every whim & I made all these choices myself...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: horror
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