a song I never knew
has now become the song I can never forget
it is the song that can cure all
for I sit and listen to that song everyday
everyone fears the monster under their bed
I fear the monster in my bed
I fear me
for I am the one that continues on in pain
it boils within
slowly poisoning all that it touches
corrupting all that is within
it has now reached a new level
i lay here and dream a dream
a dream of my future
I am but a caterpillar
surrounded by butterflies
such beautiful creatures
I have watched many like me change
So I look back on my life
trying to find a happy moment
to block out the pain
to have something to think about
it must be a good mask
the one she hides behind
for no one sees her
not the real her
if I survive will I still be me
or will I be that empty body
the empty body I so fear of becoming
no one will be here to pull me rubble
There is no place like home
that's what people always say
well, what if you don't have a home?
only a house