A New Day Poem by Baharak Barzin

A New Day

A new day i seek
Where i can melt my exhausted soul in the old ice
A new day i seek
When our laughters scream and all the zombies deaf
A new day i seek
Where sandy angels rock my shore lands
A new night i seek
When moonlight covers our souls
But in the backyard he's been found, dancing with sun

Sunday, March 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Daniel Brick 02 April 2017

You repeat the phrase A NEW DAY i SEEK and four times te line that follows is a strikingly vivid image which proves by its alien brilliance there is indeed a NEW LIFE out there. The third one - SANDY ANGELS ROCK MY SHORE LANDS - amazes me: it's a totally original picture. And the last two lines in which MOON and SUN are dancing together brings opposites into harmony, . You have fulfilled an important poetic task - to create through language an entirely new, untouched Land of the Imagination. You've inspired me to write a similar poem of Imaginative FREEDOM! But this one is a sterling example of example of such creativity.

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Baharak Barzin 06 April 2017

Well a new day i seek is repeated four times and i wanted to remind the reader about seasons and their beauties. And yes moon and sun are no enemies anymore. They know that their lives are in the hands of the other one

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Daniel Brick 19 March 2017

I love the cleverly phrased contradictions of ordinary reality as in the last three lines. They alert us that this is indeed A NEW DAY so expect things will be wildly different, eg. at night you see a mysterious man dancing with the sun! And moonlight covering souls is a double revelation.All four of these where/when clauses change reality just enough to be startling but not to make the scene frightening or alien. I believe the purpose is to show a new plane of reality, of emotional experience to which you are already relating. The humdrum of life has been transformed into something excitingly new. Let's start exploring! !

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Baharak Barzin 20 March 2017

I wrote it just to show how hard i try to understand my life differently and i do seek new things

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