A Legacy Of Life And Love Poem by Oyekake Satty (O S) Joshua - Amopho

A Legacy Of Life And Love

While this body may leave, the soul never will die!
Neither will our legacy to our descendants here
Therefore, let our lives on this earth count for much
And more than making a living or securing a home,
Engaging in entertainments, hobbies or recreations,
Fulfilling intellectual passions, longings or desires
Or pursuing such ambitions as fame and or fortune

Let our lives impact other lives, home and abroad
Ringing in the bells of peace in our communities
Dripping with the sweat of love and care to all
Touching all, both small and great, poor or rich
With such fervor and authenticity that bequeaths
An epitaph of nobility at the end of our journey
A mark of our labor for what is Just and Right

Let our lives be pleasing to the author of life
Let the world find no legitimate reason anywhere
To shroud us with evil or taint our names with guilt
Let them hate us, if they must, for our good name
Out of our pursuit for peace and fairness in fidelity
Out of our passion to leave behind a better world
Let them hate us for our integrity, fair play and love

The very virtues that few in a lifetime live to die for
A rare opportunity to leave a legacy of life and love

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