A Friend Poem by Gillian Jones

A Friend

Rating: 4.0

A person who will listen and not condemn
Someone on whom you can depend
They will not flee when bad times are here
Instead they will be there to lend an ear
They will think of ways to make you smile
So you can be happy for a while
When times are good and happy there after
They will be there to share the laughter
Do not forget your friends at all
For they pick you up when you fall
Do not expect to just take and hold
Give friendship back, it is pure gold.

Monday, December 8, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship
Godzilla Fan 101 17 December 2020

Awesome Poem I Have Now Found A Poem For Me To Read At My School Thank You So Much I Appreciate It...

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Jeri D 22 June 2020

I was looking for a nice friendship poem to read at a friends memorial service and I have found it.

5 1 Reply
Carmen 30 December 2019

I love this poem. It comes from the heart. Greater words cannot be expressed, until they are said to be felt with true meaning.

6 1 Reply
Ivory maurer 04 January 2019

This poem has true potential. These are the kind of poems that go deep into your heart and find your weak spot then you finally get the feeling of FRIENDSHIP

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Gillian Jones

Gillian Jones

Newcastle, New South Wales
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