♥ Love And Obsession ♥ Poem by Mary Hathaway

♥ Love And Obsession ♥

Rating: 2.5

♥ Love and Obsession ♥
By: Mary Hathaway

People say that love is when you cant live without someone,
im just a kid sure, but even i know the difference between love and obsession. Today in class our teacher read a story out loud about a messed up king and his beautiful daughter, the princess.The story was about a man who wasn't rich or high and how no one even knew he was in the kingdom at all,
just another blip on the radar that no one ever saw, except for the princess. It told about how the king punished guilty or rewarded innocent. He would put them in an arena with two doors side by side and in one a vicious tinger and behind the other a beautiful maiden.Well the king found out about the lovers and wanted to punish him so he put him
in the arena.
The princess found out witch door was witch and knew that the woman behind the door
was someone she hated and lifted her right arm to her lover so he knew witch door to
take well it doesn't tell you what's behind the door but our teacher told us to write on an
ending for it and in my ending she realizes she sent him to his death and stands up and
shouts 'the left one' well its to late the tiger is tearing him apart ripping it's teeth into his
skin and the princess jumps into the arena and tries to get the tiger's attention. The king
shouts 'GET HER OUT OF THERE! ! ' and people come rushing to save their princess
but once again its to late the tiger is jumping at her then all the sudden she throws herself at the beast and cries 'kill me take me as well' then magically the tiger turns into her lover and their given a second chance because she realized she was Wrong and selfish and she was forgiven by her lover and the goddess of love and war.

The last words as she says goodbye is 'I love you' to her lover. Well the story got me to thinking about love and how people say they love you and act like they love you but you feel nothing within the relationship. I may be just a kid but my onion on obsession is that's there's nothing there at least not enough to last more than a few months but your to scared to give up because you wonder if you'll find the real person, so you keep trying to go on. Well if you have to put a fake smile up then your not with the right one they've gone past lover to awkward brother, sister or best friend.
But love is a different story and you never really know if it's true until it's put to the test.
OK lets say your a mother you'd never choose a man over your children, because of the bond you share i mean you practically shared a soul for a year and you'd never let harm of any kind that you could protect them from come near them. If you find someone you feel like that about that you would want to carry their children or just spend the rest of your life with. To come home every morning and see their face and hear their laugh. To run you fingers through their hair. That when you touch them you get tingles in your body, and for women its not just sharing your life or carrying their children but when they hold you, you just melt right into their arms and look into their eyes and feel that you belong there. To trust with every inch of your heart that your the only love for him and there's no one else.
Love is one of those words we use for this feelings but it's so much more than that it's beyond any word or phrase or song.
It's something you can't explain or show or share with friends it's beyond anything humankind can comprehend it's something only two people can share and its far far off from obsession or puppy love or lust it's True Love.
It's also something that NO ONE can keep from you except for yourself. this may not be a best seller or even get off of my computer screen but it comes from the heart of a 15 year old girl trying to brighten up someone's day☺

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Mary Hathaway

Mary Hathaway

Berlin Germany
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