26. Partings Meant To Deepen Bond Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

26. Partings Meant To Deepen Bond

Twice did she come to reclaim her world,
Running across stars along celestial path
And roused me from my slothful slumber
Of lethied digressions to common place;
Intense like sun and soft like pure gold,
She stirred my soul to my singular goal,
She seized my mind to fill to the brim,
She invaded my heart to rule it all over
And spelled me with her countless charms.

Each time she came, I metamorphosed,
Each time I shed past and wore new looks
And came up refurbished in celestial glow
Like sun at dawn breaking out of east;
Endless did she run in tangles of paths,
Yet, tired not a whit while reached here,
While broke out from time’s dark womb;
While soul is on focus, no labours count,
No obstacles haunt, no hurdles mount.

Whence she came, why she withdrew,
Neither she nor I know, nor ever know;
Her road reaches me, mine always hers,
Criss-cross our paths like tangled creepers,
But leave back mounds of scattered ruins
That dent our souls with pains no time can heal,
No earthly comforts kill, no joy ever steals,
Till again paths cross and we find our heaven
Of common fulfillment, of peace in each other.

She shuttles here and there in turns and twists
In constant focus on my wrecked world;
I stand alone in world always seeking her,
But know not her whereabouts or our hour;
We are divine birds drinking from each other,
We live for the other; we live in the other,
Find light while we meet, go naught while part;
Yet, while hours are long, distance is far,
I recede to slumber of lethied digressions.

Oceans are not oceans without water mass,
Sun is not the sun without his fiery fires,
Sky is not sky without scattered stars,
And I am not I without her in my arms,
Nor she ever is she without my nearness;
But time plays havoc in unlikeliest turns
And shatters our worlds, bleeds our souls;
While bird flies away, I doze away in nest,
It is standstill world for two parted souls.

Twice did she come to reclaim her world,
Running across stars along celestial path
And roused me from my slothful slumber
Of lethied digressions to common place;
What enlightenment, what a bliss she brought,
All worlds blossomed around in sudden spring,
I smelled sweet fragrance rolling towards me,
Spell of divine tunes I felt afloat in sweet air
Whenever she slipped back to reclaim her world.

She is flood of light washing away my gloom,
She is roll of peace soothing shattered soul,
She brings tides of joy filling heart to brim,
She sweeps over life like westerly winds do,
Showers forlorn life with hopes and dreams;
Glow sharing glow, light embracing light,
Water meeting water to grow to larger flow,
Inseparably we are spliced in endless heavenly field,
Partings we suffer meant perchance to deepen bond.

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