1125 Man On The Moon - Why? Poem by John Knight

1125 Man On The Moon - Why?

Rating: 5.0

I have studied Science for sixty-five years
To me the greatest Scientific Achievement
In the magniicent Twentieth Century
Was the successful manned Moon Landing
Apollo Eleven - twentieth of July
Anno Domini - Nineteen sixty nine

Astronauts - Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
One small step for Man - One giant leap for mankind.
Yesterday the Moon - Tomorrow Planet Mars
The Planet Venus is too hot to handle!
The day after tomorrow The Milky Way
And after that - Beyond the Milky Way.

The search for Extra-Terrestrial Life (SETI)
Goes on in all Countries fo the World.
There are Earth Like Planets - Hundreds of.....
Light years away - Myterious - Inaccessible!
However in the Twentieth Century - Science Fiction
Became Science Fact - Fantacy became Reality!

What drives man to probe into Outer Space?
Probably because that is his True Domain.
Inhabited Earth Lake Planets - Inhabited by whom?
Intelligent Creatures - Man Like creatures - living.......
On Earth Like Planets - Just as curious about us.....
As we have been - for hundreds of years - about them.

Because we are Humans - Citizens of the Universe
We gaze at the Stars that twinkle in the Firnament
And ponder who (or what) inhabits them?
Currently we do not have the technology to investigate
But what if they do - and decide to visit us?
Why are Aliens always so Humaniod?

There are two simplistic explations for UFO's
One - They are from another Earth Like Planet
Two - They are from another different dimension.
People who claim to have been abducted
And taken into UFO's - all testify that the Aliens
Are very hungry for Terestrial Information.

My suggestion here is - Man went to the moon
Not because it was there - but because we are Human!
Because Humans are not just the custodians
Of Planet Earth - but also of the Universe.
It is human to reach out into Space
It is human to want to 'Touch the Stars'.

When we investigate UFO's - we need an open mind
We need an open heart - we need an open neighbour.
There is a subtle complex grtoup of phenomina
Causing experience at the very limits of perception
It sugests to me that there could be a tangible Planet
Existing between the tangible and the tenable.

UFO's are able to pass between these two dimensions
Moving easily from the one to the other
Emerging for one moment as a full scale reality
And then very quickly sliding away into the shadows.
There is much evidence - overt and covert
To support the existence of 'manned' UFO's.

My thesis is simple - Man went to he Moon
Beacuse as a Human he was seeking his heritage
To be a Citizen of the Universe of Outer Space.
The Greys and other Humanoids that pilot UFO's
Are logically more technologically advanced than us
So they visit us - Rather than us having to visit them! ! ! ! !

(John Knight - Colchester - November 2009)

Bishop 20 April 2022

Moon Knight gang

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@S.kmo_ 20 April 2022

Aye thank you Moon Knight.

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Merna Ibrahim 28 November 2009

Actually, the poem is enlightening and interesting.I love science (specially Physics) , so I enjoyed it a lot. I agree that humans are the custodians of the whole Universe not only the Earth, but the earth is the most important planet in the universe as all the humans are living on it.So, we must protect it and respect it as well! ! I give you A++ for this great work....

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Lady Grace 24 November 2009

human are the highest kind of animals..with brain completely develop..with body completely distributed with hormones, with senses open to sensitivity and with courage to explore...experimentations are a part of development...see how ''CERN'' established? ...the most modernized laboratory in the face of earth... the moon travel is just only a proof that people can go or can dominate or can make things that are not written in the bible...the fact is scirntists dont believe there's GOD....coz they can prove it thru their experiments...as we go farther to the world of truth, ..it is relatively right but since, MAJORITY ARE GOD believers, SO WE BELIEVE IN THE CREATION MADE BY GOD... it is very intersting to talk about science...this can widen our knowledge and wont remain innocent to the things around the world..i appreciate your poem..it is an educational entry...am so proud of u dear that u share ur knowledge about sciences...this is the kind of dealings i want to appreciate most....kissesssssssssss

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Catrina Heart 24 November 2009

Amazing scientific theme, finely craved into poetry...man on the moon to search for life...too late for us to discover all the things outside this planet since scientist says we have been already invaded by aliens several years ago...primarily the evidence shown on the deserts of mexico and other parts of Texas...Martians already discovered us before we discovered them....all in scifi news and national geography channel.........

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John Knight

John Knight

Liverpool - UK
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