There they stand, hats in hand,
Turning their faces to the wall..
No involvement, No absolvement,
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Excellent write about a subject that still in todays world exist.. Maybe not as bad as 50 years ago, but still enough to be felt like a disease with no catagory! ! ! Bonnie
This poem stands out in the way it illuminates how society reacts to someone with a difference such as epilepsy. You make us see ourselves and it isn't a pretty image. Excellent work. Peace, L&T
You speak the absolute truth Karl and I'm so glad you are putting yourself out there and saying what you feel. People tend to shy away and even shun those afflicted with problems they can't do anything about. I feel for these people the afflicted and the other persons as well, reason being they are missing out on some very remarkable people. It's their lost really, they need to try walking in another persons shoes, maybe then they will be able to show some compassion. Thankyou for not being afraid to speak out. This is a fabulous couplet, very well done, I enjoyed the read immensely.--Melvina--
An excellent write, Karl. Ron