007. I Want Her As She Is Poem by Praveen Kumar Title Golden Wonder

007. I Want Her As She Is

I want her as she is,
Neither more nor less,
Nor florid nor aureoled,
But only as she is –
All and whole of her,
As sprouted in nature’s womb
In all natural glory
At its finest hour.

It is not contents alone,
More of they are ratios
And the kind that cements them;
It is all rhymes and rhythms
And the concinnity computing it;
It is her unique blend,
Soul and self, mind and heart,
Her liquid body, that motion
That always spells my soul,
Rouses all fancies
To splendorous dazzles.

She is my perfect measure;
Neither she is spilling over,
Nor ever wanting more,
Just to the brim of my cup,
And happily very full;
She rhymes within herself,
And rhymes with me;
Her rhythm with my soul
Flowers inner core,
Spreads pollen of joy;
Her divine sweet fragrance
Is my soulful peace,
My ultimate contentment.

I want her as she is,
Nothing else I want;
She is my light, my might,
Whatever she is, is always right;
She is heart to heart,
More, she is from soul to soul,
Beyond logic and thought;
Ours is the flame of soul
Burning together in us

For eternity and beyond;
We complement the other
Beyond yang-yin needs,
Beyond celestial spreads,
Like love and God ever do.

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