0) Cantico Delle Creature (Due) (Song Of Nature) (Poetry) Poem by Otradom Pelogo

0) Cantico Delle Creature (Due) (Song Of Nature) (Poetry)

Pieces that refer to beings of nature...

A Veritable Friend (The Birds)
Written on the pages of heaven, a line so eloquently structured into a hexameter
Then even before absorbing the gift, another is written but in the rhythm of a pentameter
Friends they can be called even before they lighten up or lives and brighten up our days

The further away they get, the closer they seem, whether morning or before the sun retracts its' rays
Usually as children we understand them better, then we grow up to learn a new way of hearing and talking

Then after those years of learning, realize we hear them better when just out walking
Often through ambiguous moments, they can lead the soul like the body is led by the caduceus

And important ancillaries to the mind, like to the body, those things which are calciferous...

A Reticent Chant (The Insects / Roaches)

They are the silent and impartial objectors,
The best chosen to obtest
But only after lights are out, and our eyes are at rest
The middle of the wall is a pedestal, except
For the heart reticent
But the reticent heart holds few answers, unless the answers in the mind are spent
Wisdom transcends the spoken language; it regales
In a dialogue that's tacit
It transcends size, shape, culture; life in a mansion
Or breadbasket
A lifestyle which is enlightening from family to playful telepathy
In a world which holds its future tethered to an
Ever-evolving destiny

K-9 (The Dogs)

I grew up where there was a dog on just about every block, after leaving it became a rare sight, sometimes not seeing any at all. After beginning to slow down after a while and taking walks to think for a while in each city I would go to, and beginning to notice different things, the barking of dogs in the distance began to remind me of those days. Every now and then I come to a city like the one I grew up in, where there is a dog or cat just about on every block, walking in the yards, sidewalks, the streets, and after remembering for a while, they become part of everyday life again.

Attracting attention to the subtle
mind, somewhat like a wise jongleur

Yet becoming more poised, as a deluge
of praise and questions begins to pour

Title of 'best friend' has remained sacred,
enlightened by coats of white, black, or fuscous

And concern has been replaced by respect
and a friend patient and cautious

Whether it's Sam, Rex, Muku, or Bijou,
it still depends on what's really inside

They're not only good at finding secrets,
but also where secrets in people hide

The Feline (The Cats)

A softer voice or even a quieter track
Whether in the middle or out of sight
A true friend for a rub on the back
That also brings peace through the night
From 'King of the jungle', to most calm
That diversity only makes begin to think
Of shadows in the dark or a friendly balm
Turning a mysterious eye into a friendly wink

Because It's Funny (The Squirrels)

The birds keep me informed to the cadence of life, how things are going, even myself; and whether I agree or not, I always listen and watch simply because I enjoy seeing them.
When something is truly funny, laughing can be great. A wonderful way to relieve an extreme amount of stress. But it took me half a day to realize how much I had enjoyed sitting there on the Capitol's grounds in Sacramento, feeding the squirrels and writing. Sitting there I pulled out a beagle which I had begun to eat and a Piece of pastry that I had put in my bag from Loaves and Fishes, the place that gives people food and other necessities at Friendship Park, a place where people can sit, and walk around and relax for a while. After beginning to eat, the squirrels came one by one down from the trees. I took for granted because they saw and smelled what I was eating. Throwing a piece of sweet roll down it was picked up then put back down. One of the squirrels picked up a flake of crust from a sweet roll and put it down also. After a minute or two I put a few pieces of the beagle down that I had left and waited to see if they would eat it or not. For whatever reason, they began to eat all that was out there and several times they came on top of the bench to see if I had more.

I didn't consider it funny then but after getting back while waiting in line for a ticket to go to the shelter for the evening, I began to think how funny it was. It seemed like they were playing a game to see how much they could get before I thought they didn't like what I had put out there. From picking up a sweet roll and putting it back down because it was too sweet, to putting back down a piece of crust because it had too much butter or was too crispy. Then realizing before I left, there wasn't a crumb left. I laughed about it for two days. Animals are somewhat exactly like people, simply amazing.

The Ant

I had never wondered until that day,
What made them live and work so hard
Without stopping to collect their pay;
Was it loyalty or for the love of the Lord
Even as a child I knew they would, not might
Always attempt to reconstruct the mound
Always search and certainly always bite
Whether standing or lying on the ground
A tempered attempt missed by a tailspin
Even after having figured them out
Closing my eyes didn't cause them to give in
But opening them brought more without a doubt
The pain on my neck would end the fight
From what I had heard of a hornet or bee
A second later and nothing in sight
Began to raise both pain and curiosity
Confusion brought forth a Queen ant
And there my answer I could easily see
To wonder why, you simply can't
So the Queen and I both went free
That affair, the next time made me wonder
As they crossed my feet to pass by
To make me think and to ponder
To sometimes stop and ask an ant why


From hypocrisy to necessity
Demand has made it our reality
Though that step was a hard one to take
The success is welcome like the bread they bake
Only through a meiotic route can we
Tell what we went to get or maybe see
The trees and vineyards are obsolete
Surely cows no more produce milk or meat
The line is where curiosity stops
Courtesy begins when a glass jar drops

The Rooster

The time it was, I didn't know
When I began to hear the rooster crow
A sound that woke up years of my youth
Preparing to go out and find my own truth
After finding it in the years of my past
The crow of the rooster did also last
It has one more incredible thing
Like a virtuoso, it loves to sing
So to the answers I'll add one more part
The rooster is a part of my heart.

Boston's Sonnet

On my way to Boston, I realized that although all I had seen and written were beautiful places, lessons, stories and miracles; that trek, although an unforgettable one, was somewhat of an unpredictable one. After letting that faith and hope lead me there, after all my resources had been exhausted, and with it, my mode of transportation, I realized that the road to the finish product was paved with broken toys, days intentionally forgotten, and stories without perfect plots, for sometimes in retrospection we can fashion disasters into adventures. A day or two thinking instead of eating, looking for work instead of working, and a few brief moments searching for that faith and hope.
In a relaxed state as I approached the city of Boston, one that I had heard about in parts, therefore was only able to visualize a quiet place, even a small place with a few friendly faces. For some reason brooding had seemed to block out the information that I needed to secure the future: The history of a city that I knew better than my own by the time I had reached grade school. The pieces of an athletic dynasty that would have been a beacon in the middle of that city that would have doubled that picture by now, and a cultural phenomenon from the arts to the diversity of the peoples that would have been invited there because of those extraordinary affairs. Finally, the city of Boston had been revealed to me, prudently and passionately.
I bent down to dip my hand into the harbor for spiritual healing yesterday, and just witnessed the beginning of a beautiful today. Architecture; a dressed economy highlights the city. Sailboats will forever keep it romantic, birds fly above it, dogs enjoy running on side of it, and jellyfish create a spectacular underwater show that I hope we will never forget. I then realized that the harbor was filled with miracles; warm faces on a cool day, the whistle from a Coast Guard fleet, a small ship sitting alone and quiet, in the rain, on the waters, in the harbor, with an introduction that said: ' The most single and important event that led to the American Revolution; The Boston Tea Party Ship'; America.


There is really no comparison, even when looking at
Them both side by side
But when the sun sets, facetiously I chant for one
Then the other with an encouraging diatribe
If they didn't remind me of them, I would have kept
Tabs on both from root to roof
But keeping them together without a ruler is my only
Impartial proof
They're both adapted to transcend the trials of the
Year's Spring, Winter, Summer, and Fall
Yet they grow at the same pace and time, each
Desquamates by a different Fall
(Season or metaphoric diversity)
Since they both have a gift to create smiles and to
Cautiously brighten up the night
Seeing them side by side, seems to be the most
Enlightening and beautiful sight

We've Learned How To Love

We are here together because
We've found out how to love one another
Ten thousand miles away, they are still my sisters and brothers
When I help my neighbors
It's really all the same, no matter who
If we promise the help we give is real, and what we feel is true

We found out how to love
If you're listening from above
We found out how to love

When we're done we can't just
Put the hammer and nails down and walk
We have to wake up tomorrow, work, dance, love and talk

We've found out how to love
If you're listening from above

We've been helped by those who came before
Who built the roads and left open the door
So now the fire has burned
So this is what we've learned
If you're listening from way up above
We've finally found out how to love

The first day a prayer would do
The second, just trying to be true
Now it's time to see if we can all get through
With the only thing left is a lil hope and virtue
But the story says, if we do our best
Then tomorrow we can do the rest

We are here together because
We've found out how to love one another
Ten thousand miles away, they are still
my sisters and brothers

We've finally found out just how to
live, work and love one another
Whether its a man woman or child
Swims, walks crawls or lives wild
So now the fire has burned
So this is what we've learned
If you're listening from way up above
We've finally found out how to love

0)  Cantico Delle Creature (Due)     (Song Of Nature)    (Poetry)
Monday, February 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: animals,creation,god,life,nature,spiritual
Cantico Delle Creature
Canticle of The Sun (or etc.)
by St. Francis Of Assisi
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