Peter S. Quinn Poems

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Vísa (From, Nokkur Ný Íslensk Smáljóð)

Ég á mína drauma góða
og finn þá í litlum dal
þar fuglar í söngvum ljóða
í klettaskornum sal

Um Vor - Í Sveit (From, Nokkur Ný Íslensk Smáljóð)

Straumurinn lygn
í frosnum saumi

Ljóð Lífsins (From, Nokkur Ný Íslensk Smáljóð)

Ljóðið kemur
og fer
einsog aldan

Í Hljómskálagarði (From, Nokkur Ný Íslensk Smáljóð)

Veturinn líður
í aftan söng
gullitaðra haust laufa

To Non Existence

To non existence the moments must go
With each their vestiges that came to be
The wandering thoughts that now fly on free
Like the falling glimmering pallor snow

Like Year In Pictures

We go and go like year in pictures
Hangnail pegs on its easy exposure
Birds in yearnings of daydreams fixtures
Filling pathways with thoughts of enclosure

Love Songs – Easy Going

Some morns are easy going
With wonderful sayings to say
Onward breezy flowing
Turning out their best way

A Heart's Sometimes Like An Arrow

A heart's sometimes like an arrow
That gets lost on its long turning on way
Or a flying high clouded lonesome sparrow
That not for long in the forest can stay

There Are Many Coming And Going Reasons

There are many coming and going reasons
For every aspect of our full life
And in them our blossoming growth seasons
That we're working on all times to strife

So Passionate Carols...

Where are our dreams going to?
In the dim evening light
When eyes can't see clearly through
The mystical snowy night

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