Dr Dillip K Swain Ode Poems

An Ode To Jasmine

I behold you as the solitary flower
On the ends of a branch-let
Ah, your fragrance travels miles
Gratifying even the dull insects!

Ode To My Conscience

Oh, my dear conscience, naive warbler
Your charisma guides me as a sorcerer

For my unforced errors which I weep

Ode On My Friend's Divorce

He fervidly inspects he's surely distracted
His mind and soul are unevenly distributed

His corporal self rests in a roseless bed

Ode To A Set Of Binoculars

Oh, my dear set of binoculars! How can I praise
your magnanimity to help me enjoy the beauty of
things from a distance that I can't visualize
in my feeble and powerless naked eyes!

Ode To Rain

Oh, the dancing drops of rain
You are my hope against hope
Beseech you to drop again and again
And let me dance merrily sans pain

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