Nikolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov

Nikolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov Poems

I shall soon fall prey to rot.
Though it's hard to die, it's good to die;
I shall ask for no one's pity,
And there's no one who would pity me.

You're unhappy, sick at heart:
Oh, I know it-here such sickness isn't rare.
Nature can but mirror
The surrounding poverty.

We stand unbroken in our places,
Our shovels dare to take no rest,
For not in vain his golden treasure
God buried deep in earth's dark breast.

Letter of love so strangely thrilling
With all your countless wonder yet,
Though Time our heart's hot fires have mastered,

Hearing the terrors of the war, sore troubled,
By each new victim of the combat torn--
Nor friend, nor wife I give my utmost pity,

Farewell! Forget the days of trial,
Of grudge, ill humor, misery--
Tempests of heart and floods of weeping,
And the revengeful jealousy.

How blessed's the good-natured poet,
With little bile and much emotion:
All lovers of the gentle arts
Send him sincerest greetings;

Oft through my native land I roved before,
But never such a cheerful spirit bore.

Here's a vestibule. On holidays
Overcome by slavish fear,
The whole population, in a state of awe,
Rushes to the sacred doors.

All through the cold night, beating wings shadowy
Sweep o'er the church-village poor,--
Only one Grandam a hundred years hoary,

Ye songs of mine! Of universal sorrows
A living witness ye;
Born of the passion of the soul, bewailing
Tempestuous and free,

Then up there comes a veteran,
With medals on his breast;
He scarcely lives, but yet contrives
To drink with all the rest.

Nikolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov Biography

Nekrasov was a Russian poet and journalist. His first collection of poems - Dreams and Sounds was published in 1840. His second collection The Poems of Nikolay Nekrasov (1856) brought him great success. In 1847-1866 he held the post of the editor-publisher of the magazine "Sovremennik" ("Contemporary"). His writings represented the life of common people of cities, the life of Russian peasantry, and the destiny of Russian women. His poems Red-Nosed Frost Grandfather (1864), Russian Women (1871-1872), Who lives happy in the Russia(1866-1876). Nekrasov's poetry was closely connected with folklore and had a great influence upon the Russian literature. The last years of his life are dedicated to the magazine "Otechestvennie zapiski" (Fatherland's notes).)

The Best Poem Of Nikolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov

I Shall Soon Fall Prey To Rot

I shall soon fall prey to rot.
Though it's hard to die, it's good to die;
I shall ask for no one's pity,
And there's no one who would pity me.

With my lyre I won no glory
For my noble family name;
And I die as distant from my people
As the day that I began to live.

Ties of friendship, unions of the heart-
All are broken: from my youth,
Fate has sent me foes implacable,
While my friends all perished in the struggle.

Their prophetic songs were left unfinished,
They fell victim to misfortune, were betrayed
In the bloom of life; and now their portraits watch me
From the walls, reproachfully.

Nikolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov Comments

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