Marieta Maglas Poems

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Sonnet For The Roses' Scent

The rose's scent for the Royal Highness
Looks like red for some Yorks running away
Forever to live in their white blindness.
The throne was lost just in the spring, in May.

Inside Me

Your transparent metaphor meets my blue words
and becomes a mirrored seed of thought.
My words need a symbol for you screaming
as you emerge from your painful cage.

Much More Than Love

Much more than green looks the sea in your twinkling eye,
Much more than salt are your eyes in the sea transgress,
Much more than green are leaves floating on waves to die,
In green waves, eyes searched the beauty of loneliness.

Listening To Trade Martin Singing For Your Love

The melody danced the velvet words,
But the passionate wind
Embraced them all
To keep them vivid

Ekphrastic Sonnet For Salvador Dali

The wind has bloody, long claws
that scratch the sensitive skin
of the leaves. They bleed within.
The nature is wrapped in shawls

River Wave

Cold heart the arms hold,
While wet ghosts spend time fishing
In the river's life.

Sonnet For Dirty Secrets

The orchid flower's scent for Her Highness
Is like a love letter from far away,
Or like new happiness for human kindness,
Or like birds chirping in the spring of May!

The Power Of Abdullah King

In Ma'an, a bleak desert town which is situated
In the southern part of the beautiful Jordan,
The plague of poverty and the high unemployment
Are remotely felt from the wonderful capital, Amman.

I'm Glad That You Understand

I'm glad that you understand my situation
'Cause that idea was an aberration
It gives me no mental satisfaction.
To do this I don't feel any elation.

Hunting Poetry-Haiku

Hunting poetry,
Testing the strength of the words
In the wood of thoughts.

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