Marieta Maglas Poems

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You Ask Me To Leave (Pantoum Poetry)

And you ask me to leave all behind
Now, when our moment in time is done,
Going nowhere with nothing in mind,
But you're my world and my special one.

Sijo Poem For The Truth

The lie cannot turn into truth because we believe it to be true.
The truth is unavoidable. The truth is similar to fire.
It is not malleable and cannot be altered.

You And Me

Shining stars
Our tears
Angel's wings
And dreams

Power Of The Words

Live in goodness and
use only powerful words.
Explore their depth.
That magic is nestled within their structure,

A New Dawn

The voice of Epiclesis is
Like the dawn that floods the blue sky.
This sound is a long-blowing whizz.
Flows through infinity in High.

My Soul Is Guilty Of Love

My soul is guilty of love.
That love devastated my life
To create a new better one.
My love tastes my flesh,

I Pray To Jesus

Your dream not to be ever destroyed,
When you need to continue your life,
Your body to be healed
And your mission to be continued,

I Wait The Ocean Waves To Wash My Soul (Spenserian Sonnet)

My heart races touching your deep Spirit's kiss,
My tear's curb crumbles greening my shrink cry.
The softness of your voice soothes my abyss.
My soul torn apart wondering to know why.

Her Burqa

piercing the veil of her tears
a burqa
the secret of her smile

Dadaist Poem For An Ignored Place

The growing grass slopes were surmounted
by the sky of death, by confused
thoughts and by a smoking moon.While taking a deep,
crouching breath, a greedy beast started

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