Lucille Clifton Comments

Leanna Ford 26 October 2020

Ms. Clifton wrote a poem entitled Leanna how can I get a copy

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* Sunprincess * 27 June 2014

...............happy birthday Lucille Clifton! ! !

26 5 Reply
Tony Nyen 25 November 2009

Homage to my Hips By Lucille Clifton She uses a figurative metaphor “Hips” to represent her personal characteristics. She has powerful, mighty, and magic hips. She is proud of her body. She is an independent woman not to enslave to anyone even her husband. She can sway her husband around like a top. The broader mean is that “man” stand for people. She can sway people conception about her, her race, her identity as a black woman. Her Hips need more space to move around means very little in physical aspect but it has more meaning as she, a black woman, would like to have more freedom, freedom to go outside socially than to be confined in a limited space at home.

41 17 Reply
Tony Nyen 25 November 2009

Homage to my Hips By Lucille Clifton She uses a figurative metaphor “Hips” to represent her personal characteristics. She has powerful, mighty, and magic hips. She is proud of her body. She is an independent woman not to enslave to anyone even her husband. She can sway her husband around like a top. The broader mean is that “man” stand for people. She can sway people conception about her, her race, her identity as a black woman. Her Hips need more space to move around means very little in physical aspect but it has more meaning as she, a black woman, would like to have more freedom, freedom to go outside socially than to be confined in a limited space at home.

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