Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway Poems

IF I could see a little fish–
That is what I just now wish!
I want to see his great round eyes

FOUR Princesses lived in a Green Tower–
A Bright Green Tower in the middle of the sea;
And no one could think–oh, no one could think–

OUT of Wonder World I think you come;
For in your eyes the wonder comes with you.
The stars are the windows of Heaven,

BABY mine, over the trees;
Baby mine, over the flowers;
Baby mine, over the sunshine;
Baby mine, over the showers;

Jump away
From this town into
The next, to-day.

IN the pleasant green Garden
We sat down to tea;
'Do you take sugar?' and
'Do you take milk?'

OH, sweet Miss Molly,
You're so fond
Of Fishes in a little Pond.
And perhaps they're glad

OH, Susan Blue,
How do you do?
Please may I go for a walk with you?
Where shall we go?

FIVE little Girls, sitting on a form,
Five little Girls, with lessons to learn,
Five little Girls, who, I'm afraid,

SOME children are so naughty,
And some are very good;
But the Genteel Family
Did always what it should.

FAIRY Blue Eyes
And Fairy Brown,
And dear little Golden Curls,
Look down.

IN my little Green House, quite content am I,
When the hot sun pours down from the sky;
For oh, I love the country–the beautiful country.

PRAY let me introduce you to
This little dancing family;
For morning, afternoon, and night
They danced away so happily.

WHEN you and I
Grow up–Polly–
I mean that you and me,
Shall go sailing in a big ship

WILLY said to his sister,
'Please may I go with you?'
She said, 'You must behave
Very nicely if you do.'


OH, if you were a little boy,
And I was a little girl–
Why you would have some whiskers grow
And then my hair would curl.

YOU see, merry Phillis, that dear little maid,
Has invited Belinda to tea;
Her nice little garden is shaded by trees -

WITH Roses–red Roses,
We'll pelt her with Roses,
And Lilies–white Lilies we'll drop at her feet;
The little Queen's coming,

YOU very fine Miss Molly,
What will the daisies say,
If you carry home so many
Of their little friends to-day?

LITTLE girlie tell to me
What your wistful blue eyes see?
Why you like to stand so high,
Looking at the far off sky.

Kate Greenaway Biography

Kate Greenaway (Catherine Greenaway) (London, 17 March 1846 – 6 November 1901) was an English children's book illustrator and writer. Her first book, Under The Window (1879), a collection of simple, perfectly idyllic verses about children, was a best-seller. The Kate Greenaway Medal, established in her honour in 1955, is awarded annually by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in the UK to an illustrator of children's books. Her paintings were reproduced by chromoxylography, by which the colours were printed from hand-engraved wood blocks by the firm of Edmund Evans. Through the 1880s and 90s, in popularity her only rivals in the field of children's book illustration were Walter Crane and Randolph Caldecott, himself also the eponym of a highly-regarded prize medal. "Kate Greenaway" children, all of them little girls and boys too young to be put in trousers, according to the conventions of the time, were dressed in her own versions of late eighteenth century and Regency fashions: smock-frocks and skeleton suits for boys, high-waisted pinafores and dresses with mobcaps and straw bonnets for girls. The influence of children's clothes in portraits by British painter John Hoppner (1758–1810) may have provided her some inspiration. Liberty's of London adapted Kate Greenaway's drawings as designs for actual children's clothes. A full generation of mothers in the liberal-minded "artistic" British circles who called themselves "The Souls" and embraced the Arts and Crafts movement dressed their daughters in Kate Greenaway pantaloons and bonnets in the 1880s and '90s. She was elected to membership of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours in 1889. She lived in an arts and crafts house she commissioned from Richard Norman Shaw in Frognal, London, although she also spent summers in the small Nottinghamshire village of Rolleston, near Southwell. She died of breast cancer in 1901 and is buried in Hampstead Cemetery, London.)

The Best Poem Of Kate Greenaway

On The Bridge

IF I could see a little fish–
That is what I just now wish!
I want to see his great round eyes
Always open in surprise.

I wish a water rat would glide
Slowly to the other side;
Or a dancing spider sit
On the yellow flags a bit.

I think I'll get some stones to throw,
And watch the pretty circles show.
Or shall we sail a flower-boat,
And watch it slowly–slowly float?

That's nice–because you never know
How far away it means to go;
And when to-morrow comes, you see,
It may be in the great wide sea.

Kate Greenaway Comments

jj 08 May 2021

good poem

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Afnan 07 August 2018

Good poem

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