John Berryman Comments

Michael Walker 31 July 2019

His best poem, I think, is 'The Traveller'. The speaker in the poem is hyper-sensitive to what other people think of him. He finds company with the couple who get off the train, so he does too. The 'Dream Songs' are not as good at all.

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Strange Keith 24 February 2018

This guy Berryman makes my itch.

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Christopher Amati 04 September 2014

I am reading Dream Songs. I cant really like this poetry. I like Lowell so much, I thought I could eventually like Berryman, but no. Lowell is sculptural, so dramatic and so inventive. Berryman just seems kind of...whiny

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Kenneth Belknap 01 April 2011

Came here just to find some of the Dream Songs. Are there lots of poets who are unreadable on this sight?

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Aj Pinquot 27 June 2010

Is there any way to actually, you know, read the effing poems?

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Ravi Avasthi 30 August 2009

too early to comment, just opened my account

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