James Henry Leigh Hunt Comments

Priyanka baherjee 18 August 2019

Very nice about it

1 0 Reply
Sandy Sorbello 15 April 2019

I had to memorize that poem in Junior high. I think it was 8th grade. I still remember the first few lines. That would never be allowed in schools today. Can’t mention the Lord and angels.

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Jhoot 28 February 2019

Hote h h few u kg

1 0 Reply
Sriparna Bal 07 January 2019

I read the poem About Ben Adhem It is a nice poem I really like it

2 1 Reply
Priti Yadav 28 January 2018

JH Leigh Hunt in Poem

2 1 Reply
Carol Linden 24 August 2013

My step-father Tom Austin related a lovely memory about this poem. He was raised in a small Alabama mining town in the 1920's. His father died young, when Tom was a mere boy. One of his vivid memories of his father is miners gathered around the wood stove in a country store and listening to his father recite Abou Ben Adhem from memory. Tom could remember only the first two lines, but he never forgot the image of that scene, one of his few memories of his father. I can imagine small towns throughout America, perhaps the Scotch-Irish South in particuar, and even the Brisith Ises with similar scenes of poems being enjoyed through the oral tradition.

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Mike Fine 10 October 2009

I read the poem 'Abou Ben Adhem 65 years ago and found it to be the greatest..........Always felt it was written for and about me.....Mike Fine

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Kerry Bartake 28 June 2009

I find the poem, 'The Glove and the Lions', very amusing because human nature never really changes through the centuries. Here we have the arrogant, beautiful woman who is all wrapped up in herself and, refreshingly, we have the sensible hero who discerns that his girlfriend has serious flaws. We can all relate to this! Remember the song from about ten years ago, 'She ain't pretty, she just looks that way! '

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Paul Metz 07 May 2006

Spent 15 minutes trying to get to the text of Abou Ben Adam on your site. You should hire a better computer nerd of maybe the CIA to make life easier to download a poem. Paul Metz, MD P.S. I did not succeed..

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