Jaclyn Payne

Jaclyn Payne Poems

"I am the lost one" the wanderer,
The one who's seen everything,
Everything, events that will haunt her,
Things beyond your nightmares.

A dark vast emptiness,
It is scareful, all alone.
Wandering, don't know where you're stepping,
Your foot takes a step, don't know whether good or bad.

Down the path of life in which we walk,
What you do today determines your future,
The choices you make, the roads you take,
All become the road of life, your life.

The Best Poem Of Jaclyn Payne

The Survivor Of The Lost

"I am the lost one" the wanderer,
The one who's seen everything,
Everything, events that will haunt her,
Things beyond your nightmares.

The traveler who just wanders,
Wondering what she'll see next,
Good or bad, who knows,
The one whose nightmares have just begun.

She remembers a home in the woods,
A home… she remembers what it looked like,
She reaches for something and the world starts spinning,
There it is, the dream seems real, the immense home.

Inside, she walks. Events that happened,
Turned up as old forgotten memories.
Memories… before darkness caved in and took

Upstairs, she pondered, what will be there?
More memories flooded from the emptiness,
A book lay open on the floor, as if it was waiting,
Opened to the lost family consumed by hatred.

The faces… the voices… her own family,
She has wandered back to her home,
Without knowing, she looks down,
Where the lost faces greet her with a smile.

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