Ramesh T A Heroes Poems

Be Heroes And Heroines In New Year 2021!

Just a few days more seems to be nothing to say about 2020
Except Corona virus pandemic that has spread everywhere
In the world and its new version seems to spread still faster!
In this new disease the whole year has passed none liking.

Romantic Adventurers Extraordinary Heroes Are Ever!

With no idea in mind and going on a work in a matter of fact
Manner is the nature of a romantic adventurer in world life;
Both comedy and tragedy such characters take it for granted
Being ever ruled by a sense of guts both in work and life..!

Heroes Of The World!

Apt decision is taken only by a person of positive attitude;
Indecisiveness is due to negative attitude in everything;
Positiveness only helps to have faith and take action apt;
Otherwise, nothing can be decisively done in world life...!

Soldiers Are Real Romantic Heroes Of World!

Soldier is a top romantic hero to fight out enemies sure
And also a great romantic hero to win the heart of a lady;
Like the weapon in war field that saves and kills enemies,
Love of lady influences a soldier to fight and win wars..!

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