Giovanni Boccaccio Comments

Fabrizio Frosini 25 October 2015

for Dimitris(Jimmy) Psacho, who writes -see box below-: '' I'm not prejudiced but really...Boccacio doesn't belong here! [..] Yet, he's not a poet [..] '' HE DOESN'T BELONG HERE...? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How can he say such silly words! Boccaccio ''As a poet who wrote in the Italian vernacular, is particularly noted for his realistic dialogue, which differed from that of his contemporaries, medieval writers who usually followed formulaic models for character and plot.''

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I'm not prejudiced but really...Boccacio doesn't belong here! Yes, he's an innovator, one of the utmost revolutionists of the novel and italian literature, why, world literature! ! Yet, he's not a poet with the pure sense as Dante(though I must read the second volume of Decameron! I just adore it!)

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