George Meredith Poems

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Modern Love X: But Where Began The Change

But where began the change; and what's my crime?
The wretch condemned, who has not been arraigned,
Chafes at his sentence. Shall I, unsustained,
Drag on Love's nerveless body thro' all time?

A Garden Idyl

With sagest craft Arachne worked
Her web, and at a corner lurked,
Awaiting what should plump her soon,
To case it in the death-cocoon.

A Ballad Of Past Meridian


Last night returning from my twilight walk
I met the grey mist Death, whose eyeless brow

Will O' The Wisp

Follow me, follow me,
Over brake and under tree,
Thro' the bosky tanglery,
Brushwood and bramble!

Modern Love Xviii: Here Jack And Tom

Here Jack and Tom are paired with Moll and Meg.
Curved open to the river-reach is seen
A country merry-making on the green.
Fair space for signal shakings of the leg.

Modern Love Vii: She Issues Radiant

She issues radiant from her dressing-room,
Like one prepared to scale an upper sphere:
--By stirring up a lower, much I fear
How deftly that oiled barber lays his bloom

The Main Regret

Seen, too clear and historic within us, our sins of omission
Frown when the Autumn days strike us all ...

Modern Love Viii: Yet It Was Plain She Struggled

Yet it was plain she struggled, and that salt
Of righteous feeling made her pitiful.
Poor twisting worm, so queenly beautiful!
Where came the cleft between us? whose the fault?

Modern Love Ix: He Felt The Wild Beast

He felt the wild beast in him betweenwhiles
So masterfully rude, that he would grieve
To see the helpless delicate thing receive
His guardianship through certain dark defiles.

The Garden Of Epicurus

That Garden of sedate Philosophy
Once flourished, fenced from passion and mishap,
A shining spot upon a shaggy map;

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