Dr. Antony Theodore Freedom Poems

Freedom Is A Spiritual Reality.

Freedom is a spiritual reality.
It's roots are not in man but in God.
Man is created in the image of God.
He participates in the freedom of God.

Love Loving In Freedom

It is love loving
in utmost joy and freedom.

Not two loves,

A Freedom From Automatisms And Routines

The predisposition of
the mind and heart
to enjoy the symbols
that lead to faith

Discovery Of Freedom And The Encounter With God.

Man's discovery of freedom
and his encounter with
God cannot be separated.

Finding The Way Of Freedom Within Oneself.

Before there can be
any external freedom,
man must learn
to find the way to

The Roots Of Freedom Is In God.

Freedom is a spiritual thing.
It is a sacred and religious reality.

It's roots are not in man but in God.

Freedom Is A Sacred And Religious Reality.

Seeking emancipation and liberty
we put ourselves in chains.
Freedom is spiritual in the real sense.
It is a sacred and religious reality.

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