Francis Duggan Poems

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Out Of Place

They did seem nice enough people with them there was nothing wrong
But their subjects of conversation did not suit you a few hours in their company did seem long
You felt happy on leaving the party for you not a good night out
We relate best to those of similar interests of this there is little doubt

Denis Napthine

Denis Napthine the Premier of Victoria the polls have him on the way out
Though doubtless he will hang on to his seat in Parliament of that there is little doubt
But if the Liberal- Nationals lose Government i am sure Denis from politics will call it a day
Since when most Premiers lose real political power they give politics away

The Nostalgia Felt By Migrants

Those who have never lived apart from their first home-place could never understand
The nostalgia felt by migrants for their native Land
Of the longing caused by absence they will never know
A longing that sometimes can cause tears to flow

In Life Everyone

In life everyone of some sorrow will know
And where there is sadness the happiness seed will not grow
Some do grieve for a lost love some grieve for the death of a loved one or a friend
That life can have it's sad times why otherwise pretend

In South West Victoria A Typical Winter's Day

The sun behind gray rain clouds is hidden away
In coastal south west Victoria a wet and windy day
June that began with sunshine ending wet, windy and gray
Above average rainfall in June following a dry and sunny May

We Have Been Told That Rhymers

We have been told that rhymers are different to poets
Like sheep in appearance are quite different to goats
And the billionaire different to you and to i
But to live we all breathe air and eventually we die

It Can Be What Is Known As A Hungry Belly Game

In penning of rhyme for me no money or fame
It can be what is known as a hungry belly game
I add to my growing number of rhymes every day
But only for enjoyment and never for pay

Where Everyone Knows Everyone His Is A Stranger's Face

Where everyone knows everyone his is a stranger's face
And where everyone knows everyone he does feel out of place
He came for his company from the City to work in their branch in the country town
Where he is a stranger on every street that he walks up and down

Our Earth Mother Nature

The beauty of Nature does not cost us to see
Everyday as i walk it is all around me
Even in the town park every day of the year
The Earthly Goddess to us is ever near

She Advised Me To Stop Rhyming

She advised me to stop rhyming for to give it away
That it was about time i decided for to call it a day
That all of my rhymes are similar on the side of rough
According to her i have written enough

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