Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Old John Is A Patron Of The Local Pub

Old John is a patron of the local pub
In his younger years a player with the town's football club
Fifty years ago he booted the goal that won the premiership flag
Though of such a feat he is not one to brag

A Strange Sort Of Devotion

A strange sort of devotion it may seem quite odd
That some religious fundamentalists will kill one who disagree with their views for love of their god
For love of their god they do on to those who beg to differ ill
Though Moses fifth commandment clearly states thou shalt not kill


When alcohol has drunk men talking ballyhoo
You get more sense out of monkeys at the zoo
Who often scream at each other in a heated rage
In their noisy disagreements that lead to conflict in their cage

Little In Common

Have you ever felt your life is going nowhere
Ted your best school friend is now a multi millionaire
Though you were far brighter than he was in school
Where he often did sit on the dunce's stool?

In Hawkesdale

On the roadway to Hamilton 45 kilometers from Warrnambool
Is a village with a secondary college a pub and a swimming pool
That locals like to refer to as a town
The paddocks of Hawkesdale in Summer are brown

If Aunty Had Balls

If aunty had balls she'd be uncle as some used to say
A saying from my younger years in a land far away
That perhaps to some would not seem as appropriate or as politically correct today
At least to the more gentrified anyway

The Real Unsung Heroes

Sad to think that brave men and women are now serving time
In Countries where to speak against the government is seen as a crime
Such people are so brave as brave as can be
They have far more courage than not so brave me

It Is The Fear Of Death

It is the fear of death i only fear
And every day i live to me it is one day more near
I only fear what is the unknown to me
Due to the ego born of my mortality

Only Memories Of What Was With Me Remain

The years have left me looking old and gray
Far south of those old green fields far away
That i may never walk upon again
And only memories of what was with me remain

On The Day That Brandy Died

A cold wind from the mountains blew across the bare countryside
And behind the low gray clouds of rain the sun in permanence did hide
Old Brandy she was dying our brown companion dog
She never more would chase a hare in Jack the Master's bog

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