Francis Duggan Poems

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Dan Tehan Always Smiling

Government Minister Dan Tehan seems quite happy he has a toothy smile
But like most politicians he may not be free of guile
He has every reason for to smile for himself he is doing okay
With power at his disposal and a huge after tax pay

Somany Who Thought

So many who thought they were Irreplaceable in cemeteries do lay
And life without them goes on it will always be this way
Up the steep hill of success you may have climbed quite far
But you are not as important as you think you are

Kurri Kurri

A place in the woods of the Moyne Shire countryside
That is not a tourist attraction or known far and wide
Kurri Kurri that does have an aboriginal name
That ought to be for it a just claim to fame

It Is Not An Excuse

It is not an excuse for you to use for a serious crime
That as a young person you have known of a hard time
Many young people who have known it far tougher than you
Bad things to others never would do

Aged People

Aged People are dying in nursing homes every day
Most of them through natural causes though some of neglect in some way
There has even been a few cases of proven foul play
And this seems a sad thing for to have to say

What If I Never

What if i never see Millstreet Town or Claraghatlea again
Or walk in the old fields in the winds of rain
When the hawthorns are cloaked in their blooms of white to gray
And the nesting birds are singing in the prime of the May

Blind Helen And Jill

A pair out walking i often do meet
Whenever i am in the park by main street
Blind Helen and Jill her black labrador friend
For visual guidance on her she entrust and depend

That Happiness Is Infectious

That happiness is infectious only true for to say
And every happy person makes new friends every day
Those lacking in humor few of wish to know
One reason their friends in numbers never grow

All Humans Are Not Born Equal

All human beings are not born equal but death as is said makes all equal indeed
And there is no such a thing as a true blue-blood red is the blood we are born with to bleed
The millionaires money may help them to live longer but all people are mortals and this not a lie
The president the monarch the famous and the wealthy are born as mortals and all mortals eventually do die

On Margaret Court's Anti Gay Rant

In her prime years the best in the World but in thinking she seems rather small
She has publicly stated she does not like gay people to speak her beliefs is her right
That because Qantas does support gay people she will never more board a Qantas flight
Margaret Court is a religious person and on her religious views quite extreme

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