Francis Duggan Poems

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Most Of Us Have

Most of us have our friends as well as our foes
And most of us have our addictions one has to suppose
I too have made friend and foes over many years of time
And i am one addicted to penning of rhyme

Gandhi Was One

Of leadership every day we hear of and read
And most believe from the front a good leader should lead
But the great Gandhi was one who led from the back
And in true leadership qualities he did not lack

So Many Roads

So many roads i have driven up and down
Since i walked on the far off streets of Millstreet Town
And all i retain of the past is the memory
Of the what once was and never more will be

I Have Never Pretended

I have never pretended that i was a poet
Nor do i feel worthy of any literary note
I just write rhymes for enjoyment and little else more
This is something you may have heard me say before

They Do Have A Great Gift

They do have a great gift those willing to forgive
And practice what they preach on live and let live
They are a rare breed of them one can say
And not many of them in the World of today

A Great Teacher

Nature is a great teacher despite what some of her does say
And from her new lessons for to learn every day
But the more we learn of her the more we realize
That of her we know little this not a surprise

Earthly Utopia From The Moyne Shire

Earthly Utopia from the Moyne Shire cannot be far away
Quite a beautiful place to live in one can say
Home of the Gundijtmara people an indigenous race
In south west Victoria to them the honour of pride of place

I First Heard It As A Boy

I first heard it as a boy long before my physical prime
And it has lived in me over decades of time
The years have left me balding and silver gray
But the flute of the curlew i hear it today

Good And Bad Days

Most of us know of the good times as well as the bad
For to fully appreciate happiness you must know how it feels like to be sad
It is hard to feel happy if you are financially down
And one of the poor of the poor side of the town

Tired Of The

Tired of life's battle and feeling down
And tired of writing rhymes about Millstreet Town
Only of Nature i never feel tired
She is the one i have always admired

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