Dianne Borsenik Biography

Dianne Borsenik is a former flowerchild and current redhead. She believes in music, karma, and the films of Quentin Tarantino; and she lives in a temple of happiness with her husband James. Actor Jonathan Frid, who played the character of 'Barnabas Collins' on television's DARK SHADOWS, used three of her poems in his touring program 'Genesis Of Evil'.
She has poems, lyrics, and modern haiku published in a number of anthologies, journals, magazines, newsletters, and calendars, including 'The Magnetic Poetry Book of Poetry', 'Haiku World: An International Poetry Almanac', 'Ship Of Fools', 'Nerve Cowboy', 'The Lyricist Review', 'Voices of Cleveland', 'Naturally Magazine', 'Rosebud', 'Modern Haiku', 'Blue Unicorn', 'Frogpond', 'Ko' (Japan) , 'Haiku Spirit' (Ireland) , 'The New Haiku' (England) , 'iota' (England) , 'Sivullinen' (Finland) , and 'Journal of the Dark'.

Dianne Borsenik Popular Poems
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