Denis Martindale Poems

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Keep Preaching, Keep Teaching!

God blesses those who reach the youth,
The future of Mankind,
Who don't massage the message truth,
Or see it undermined.

Smiley Cyrus!

I've seen a jolly Christian man, a guy who's on TV,
And can he smile? My word, he can! Sometimes he smiles with glee.

And if the viewers need to ask, how come he grins all day?

The Lioness Of Judah!

Seen as beautiful, as always, by those who know her well,
Who see her shine throughout her days, what stories they could tell.
For each one has a legacy of memories galore,
And future hopes for what could be, like those who pray for more.

Fully Booked For Saint Valentine's Day!

When searching for a special book, or Bible now and then,
I take the time to take a look, before I buy again.
Then I research without delay, comparisons to view,
In search of better ways to pay, for books both old and new.

Broadcasting Christ!

Behold the guidance of the Lord, the answers to each prayer,
The harvest promised as reward, the Saviour's love to share,
Each gift that spans eternity, each legacy as well,
Each utterance of prophecy that's meant to save from Hell.

From Fighting To Faith!

Each boxer learns how best to fight, while stamina persists,
Yet not as Christians who delight as God's evangelists.
Like saints with prayer that never stops, who serve the Saviour's plans,
Like saints who pray on mountain tops, or preach in foreign lands.

Lord Of Life, King Of Love!

When Easter comes again this year, so many will get saved,
The Gospel then becomes so clear, so many sins get waived.
Forgiven sins both great and small, perhaps with healings, too,
And yet today's God's miracle, with blessings meant for you.

The Other Night I Dreampt Of Him!

The other night, I dreampt of Him, the Saviour of my soul,
The Lord adored by seraphim, the King who's in control,
The Son of God none can replace, if Heaven is their goal,
Anointed by amazing grace to play that sovereign role.

Adventurous Faith!

Who's up for a new adventure, eternal life to share,
Enough to thrill you to the core with answers to each prayer,
With miracles, signs and wonders enough to make you swoon,
Like the roaring of God's thunders some Autumn afternoon?

Don't Make Me Have To Come Down There!

Perhaps you've heard that Gospel song, that warning from the Lord?
He always knows what we've done wrong, and nothing gets ignored.
There's not one thought, or bad report, unseen by God above,
Dismissing all the Bible's taught! Perhaps God's seen enough.

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