David Mitchell Poems

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The stars adorn the heaven at night,
They beautify with gleaming light
The sky of dismal hue;
They shiver in the icy cold,

Les Quatre Saisons - The Four Seasons

Le printemps — la saison quand l'agréable tiédeur
Recommence, apportant avec lui son bonheur,

There Is A God

That is what I firmly believe.
I understand that some people find it hard to believe in God.
So do we all, at times.
We are human beings.

Why Is A Poet?

It is the part of the poet
To tell his readers
What they already know
and know they know

Death And Life

If what follows this life
Is a heaven without suffering,
Where the recollection of past suffering
Does not induce present suffering;

Celestial Bodies

The earth each day travels her weary round,
Partly in sunlight, partly in darkness hid;
Around the sun she goes without a sound,
And nothing her trajectory can forbid:


The shining summer ages, dwindles, dies;
The heat turns to the cold.
The former azure hue of yonder skies
Is hardly to behold:

A Dark Poem

As languidly my feet plod home,
My thoughts the universe o'er-roam;
The silent stillness still inspires
A muteness of Cimmerian choirs

The Swan

Slender, swimming, silent swan!
How gracefully you glide along!
Your coat of white, purer than snow;
You see, with lofty eyes, to grow

Deep Thought

We exist: of that no sane person does doubt,
Although there may pseudophilosophers be,

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