Dante Gabriel Rossetti Poems

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For A Venetian Pastoral By Giorgione (In The Louvre)

WATER, for anguish of the solstice:—nay,
But dip the vessel slowly,—nay, but lean
And hark how at its verge the wave sighs in

Sonnet Xxv: Winged Hours

Each hour until we meet is as a bird
That wings from far his gradual way along
The rustling covert of my soul,—his song

In The Train, And At Versailles

In a dull swiftness we are carried by
With bodies left at sway and shaking knees.
The wind has ceased, or is a feeble breeze

Sonnet Xix: Silent Noon

Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass,—
The finger-points look through like rosy blooms:

Sonnet Lxx: The Hill Summit

This feast-day of the sun, his altar there
In the broad west has blazed for vesper-song;
And I have loitered in the vale too long

Sonnet I: Love Enthroned

I marked all kindred Powers the heart finds fair:—
Truth, with awed lips; and Hope, with eyes upcast;

Sonnet Xv: The Birth-Bond

Have you not noted, in some family
Where two were born of a first marriage-bed,
How still they own their gracious bond, though fed

Sonnet Xc: “retro Me, Sathana!”

Get thee behind me. Even as, heavy-curled,
Stooping against the wind, a charioteer
Is snatched from out his chariot by the hair,

Sonnets Xcii: Xciii: The Sun's Shame

Beholding youth and hope in mockery caught
From life; and mocking pulses that remain
When the soul's death of bodily death is fain;

Youth And Lordship

MY young lord's the lover
Of earth and sky above,
Of youth's sway and youth's play,
Of songs and flowers and love.

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