Bruce Larkin Poems

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A Sad Love Story

I Met A Celebrity

My family went to Hollywood.
There were plenty of things to do.
I decided on that trip
To make one of my dreams come true.

A Home In The Zoo

The bird flitted from place to place.
She had something she had to do.
Her task was very important;
She wanted to live in the zoo.

The Town Of Goodfood

I'll be your guide in Goodfood.
I'll show you all around.
Folks looking for delicious food
Know here is where it's found.

Monday's Child Is Ill

Monday's child is ill, I'm told.
Tuesday's child has caught a cold.
Wednesday's child is down with the flu.
Thursday's child is feeling blue.

Living In Different Places

It’s so very cold,
My breath I can see.
As much as I love
To skate, sled, and ski,

A Pbp Lover Is Born

'I've never seen such a thing, '
The reluctant diner was heard to mutter
When first offered a sandwich
Of pickles and peanut butter.

No Help For Humpty

'Sorry, ' said the king's men,
'There's no helping Humpty.
He'll never sit again.'

A Hollow Boast

A young man would often boast,
"Of courage I have the most."
Until one night,
His hair turned white

New Moon Party

There is no man
In all this land
Happier than the fellow
In the citrus stand.

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