Atef Ayadi Poems

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Ness Tunisie: Ce Soir À La Ben Brikene

Il ya du courage en tunisie.
Il ya des femmes qui osent,
des homme qui dosent, et des enfants qui se font glisser par derrière dans les tèbresde l'histoire,
sans être nourri ou être entendu.

Ness Tunisia: Stasera Al Ben Brikene

Ness Tunisia: Stasera al Ben Brikene

C'è il coraggio in Tunisia.
Ci sono donne che hanno il coraggio,

Amnesty International: Charity Organization

Charity is a pitiful word.
elgoog in other hand is a match for humanity T-cells.
i think, Europeans think of them selves being upper class.
the rest of the humanity spectrum is nothing but an organic pets need to be occasionally fed from time to time; and that is what charity means.

Amnistía Internacional: Organización Caridad

La caridad es una palabra lamentable.
Elgoog en otra parte es un partido para la humanidad células-T.
creo, los europeos piensan de ellos mismos que son de clase alta.
el resto del espectro de la humanidad no es sino un mascotas orgánicos necesitan ser alimentados de vez en cuando de vez en cuando; y eso es lo que significa caridad.

To Anybody

FUNAI, estimates that approximately 77 isolated tribal groups live in the Brazilian Amazon. Some tribes have dwindled to only a few members due to diseases spread by outsiders and invasive practices, such as logging and ranching.

please support our humanity by supporting the 77's cause.
If one believes 'it is impossible! ' one can grow, a tree or plant

My Pledge To You

please, connect to this guy. he is friend from Tunisia. the best green ecologist the country has to offer and justice fighter.


Is There Some One Who Can?

Is There A Place In Which?

nature is still alife?
people are alife?
where beaches meet forest and mountains
and still alife?

Bio- -Kracy

the story
there is none....

Please, Don't

if i want to be butchered i choose by one member or members of an amazonian tribe...
or the most wild form of nature.
((thank you humanity for self preservation attempt))

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