Anonymous Americas Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Laily Worm And The Mackerel Of The Sea

"I was bat seven year alld
Fan my mider she did dee,
My father marr{.e}d the ae warst woman
The wardle did ever see.


In the cool, sweet hush of a wooded nook,
Where the May buds sprinkle the green old mound,
And the winds and the birds and the limpid brook,

Eternal Time, That Wastest Without Waste

Eternal Time, that wastest without waste,
That art and art not, diest, and livest still;
Most slow of all, and yet of greatest haste;

The Chase

Quick, fly to the covert, thou hunted of men!
For the bloodhounds are baying o'er mountain and glen;

On To Victory

Children of the glorious dead,
Who for freedom fought and bled,
With her banner o'er you spread,
On to victory.

The Rain

Confederate Memorial Day

The marching armies of the past
Along our Southern plains,
Are sleeping now in quiet rest
Beneath the Southern rains.

Songs In Sleep

If I could frame for you in cunning words
The songs my heart in sleep is often singing,
You'd fancy, love, an orquestra of birds

The Lover In Winter Plaineth For The Spring

Freedom's Star

As I strayed from my cot at the close of the day,
I turned my fond gaze to the sky;
I beheld all the stars as so sweetly they lay,

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