Anna Laetitia Barbauld Poems

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Pious Friendship

How blest the sacred tie that binds
In union sweet according minds!
How swift the heavenly course they run,

The Death Of Virtuous

Sweet is the scene when Virtue dies!—
When sinks a righteous soul to rest,
How mildly beam the closing eyes,

The Unknown God

To learned Athens, led by fame,
As once the man of Tarsus came,
With pity and surprise
Midst idol altars as he stood,

Hymn: Ye Are The Salt Of The Earth

Salt of the earth, ye virtuous few,
Who season human-kind;
Light of the world, whose cheering ray
Illumes the realms of mind:

To Mr. S. T. Coleridge

Midway the hill of science, after steep
And rugged paths that tire the' unpractised feet,
A grove extends; in tangled mazes wrought,

A School Eclogue


Hist, William! hist! what means that air so gay?
Thy looks, thy dress, bespeak some holiday:

Epistle To Dr. Enfield

Friend of those years which from Youth's sparkling fount
With silent lapse down Time's swift gulf have run!

Riddle #2

This creature, though extremely thin,
In shape is almost square;
Has many heads, on which ne'er grew
One single lock of hair.

Joy To The Followers Of The Lord

Joy to the followers of the Lord!
Thus saith the sure the eternal word.
Not of earth the joy it brings,

Delia, An Elegy

YES, DELIA loves! My fondest vows are blest;
Farewel the memory of her past disdain;
One kind relenting glance has heal'd my breast,

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