Ajay Srivastava Poems

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Yahoo world to civilized world of humanity.
Yare like development of humanity.
Yokel community fast following urbanization.
Youthful attitude of humanity is very encouraging.


Zero related to everyone life.
Zealless person always demoralized by various circumstances.
Zigzag & uncertainty also play main role.
Zealot is in their nature these type of people.

बुराई केसे जाऐगी?

बेठा लोगै जब अनाचार को तब
कर लेगा दुराचार अपना पेर प्रसार|
पूजने जब लगोगे जब भ्रष्टाचार को
तो स्वतः ही आंतक को निमञंण मिल जाऐगा|

Education Drive

Please to welcome you.
Ready to serve you.
Assign to spread you.
Gateway to implement you.

चाहत - अपनी अपनी

पृथ्वी की तरह आश्रय देना|

पानी की तरह राह बनाना|

यू ना

यू ना छुपा करो

देखने की चाहत हो जाएगी|

Mass Communication

Spirit of expression & presentation.
Awareness is the main aim of existence.
Neither favor nor against simple want to remain neutral position.
Just for the sake of truth & welfare in principle


हम ऊर्जा और शक्ति से भरपूर हैं भरपूर से आपकी
लेकिन आपकी ऊर्जा और शक्ति हमारे दिशा निर्देशन के बिना अधूरे हैं 11
हम किसी भी लक्ष्य को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं
हमारी रणनीति की आपके को लक्ष्य की जरूरत है 11

God Gift

Oh god you have gave me strength
To serve the people but I haven't serve the people
Instead I have always indulge in hurting people.
Oh god you have gave me mind

Ecology Balance

Lion stand for power
Lion is a symbol of authority.
Lion is born for rule.
Lion became victim of wild life enemy

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