Feed Wholistically Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Feed Wholistically

you will be stupid and dumb beep beep
if you ain't paid off land
providing crops by the acres
to your generations to come
oh yeah you must numb taught
cipher around you never is the same as the ones who traited Nat Turner
slave to max religious
no disrespect though just real you can't see
and that's perfect
cause even the Geez know better when hearing nonsense over to Benjamin Banneker city to London and Birmingham we keep close
while cutting off the cloak
and you can keep your skin colors tah yahselves too
and that's for you too who we bee dodging getting goals accomplished
watching fools fall cause if you don't remember the past you gon what?
repeat it(echoing) ....

Saturday, September 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: today
yeah that went out tah dem ones who be knocking on people doors with the bs and ain't even educated culturally or academically....move on without these nonprofit caveat fools using business as a tool of war battling somebody else fighting crusading for the wrong cause brainwashed to the mindset fixed and retwisted as neo-colonist and i betcha if Strom Thurmond came and congratulated them on the brave accomplishment of professing his Lord the colored slaves would bow down and open they anuses like Harriet Tubman said they was to include Yaa Asantewaa....
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