Alyce Crowley

Alyce Crowley Poems

I found a Candy Princess,
Lips bubblegum pink
Eyes sour apple green
I found a Candy Princess

His eyes,
They follow,
I touch his face-

If not for the dark
I wouldn’t be here
For not for the part
Of my heart you

Amber eyes,
Like fire somehow crystallized.
Magic touch,
Gentle smile,

She's pale like death or moonstars...
I wonder if she was born of dark or light?
They call her Winter...
Becuase her kiss will be your last.

Will you ever come back to me, darling?
My Queen of Queens,
Will you ever come back to me? ?
I wonder where you are,

The battle ax of my soul
Was lowered...
For you
And you betrayed me...


Morning reminds me
Of Innocence
And I strive to Remember

I don't know why,
I lay awake,
And I cry,
Your love reminds me

Wondering if the night will bring relief,
But it doesn't I begin to cry,
Nothing could heal the void in my soul
Nothing short of your smile

Never found the road to no where.
Do you know how to get there?
She said we could go there, if we wish...
'Just turn around twice and tumble down, drink this wine and everything will be fine.'

Glowing in the morning light,
(Shimmery as an angel)
I catch your soul,
Taking it's leave of me

Dead and soulless as I,
Those eyes…
Torture and kill
Those eyes

I meet a girl,
Once whom I knew
Could be
Would be


Cruel like you,
Cold beauty
Pale eyes
Pale hair.

Red lips make up the words that will
Bend my soul
I was better off without you
If only...

Empty like hell,
Deviod of Good\ Evil
Passing by like time,
Grains through my fingers

I almost see his eyes,
Pain ridden, dying
I almost see his eyes.

Green ocean,
rising up to meet me,
Under my frail,
Corpse hand

Do you regrete leaving?
Do you regrete the tears that corrupted
My soul
And made me see man as he is?

Alyce Crowley Biography

I was born in Amarillo, Texas, Potter County at 1: 01 a.m to Keely Evon Riggs and Thomas Doyle Henderson. I'm a Senior in high school now and I am looking forward to a promising career in the field of Mortuary Science. I'm lesbian which is key to a lot of the poetry I write. I'm not entirely male or entirely female in my outlook on things and that gives my poetry an androgny that is beautiful and almost celestial. Love has treated me fairly poorly so I try to refrain from it as much possible.)

The Best Poem Of Alyce Crowley

Candy Princess

I found a Candy Princess,
Lips bubblegum pink
Eyes sour apple green
I found a Candy Princess
Her dress is made of lollipops
Butter rum and Cherry
I found a Candy Princess

Her lips are sweet
They taste like cherries
I love my lollipop Candy Princess

We dance and sing,
Sticky sweet and happy
Edible flowers wreathes
On our heads

I found a Candy Princess

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