Wilson Tinotenda Waison

Wilson Tinotenda Waison Poems

To have vowed in vain
And to stood in a rinsed oath
So inflicting, and all that pain


How I desired it be a dual way
For the passions to cascade but
Turns were always in squabble awry
One way or the other pointing vehement

Broken before yet it dares more
Endured the path, revived emotions
Affections so daring the prospect flare
And to put an end to all those assertions


Truth be told, Never seek to tell thy love
Affectionate caress to have thwarted
Love that never told can be, to have got
My scruples a corkscrew, To reminisce


The winters are so dry
To fail the yield in fields
Even the taps are so dry
To fail to quench my thirsty

To voew my affections
I adore you more than
The phrase can weird the matter,
You my light in the Sango-o

Was it love or a mere compromise?
Were you for real or a mere impersonation?
How i wonder it be a dream, my demise
I would not breach the affection

Once a lover always a fool
It was in that complication I sort
Clues for this emotional realm
All faults awaits in resolution

A rush indeed, to quench the soul
In a moment both ceased the deed
Poor tom, energies thwarted,
But still it matters in denial

Now on a lonely path
Got served by the oath
With concealed emotions
For she now care less, proved by her actions

Let him go- it was not ever you and him
To tide, only was a jaunt in a compromise
Duped my dear, and let along to the
Matrimonies of true minds, glow like sunrise

On the stoop of the bluff
I howl deviations
In a muffled loud voice
To reminisce,

The dusk came
With its reddish ray
To fulfill its prophecy

The deeds hast cast up dust
Upon these heads, and must
Mine eyes to fail with tears
Dancing in the storm's tease.

The pain felt never be known
Emotions so irksome to have
Poised me between these crown
Never to shout, only the nerve

Lamentations to you young brother
For you elected death as escapism
And left us in anguish, anxious
To have your soul amidst our own

Never was I too scared, my thoughts to braille
And embroidered that feeling in disgust as it
Bored me shame to the tribunal, disgraced were
My intimates as I wandered miles away from

Impetuous is my poetry to reveal that Fig
The Fig that causes havoc and to have
Caused a reign of terror in the hamlet
That Fig to have strained my zealous

No wonder why you are barren
With you the trees to shade off
Even your night so cold like Karen
Devoided of affections, Her bluff.

The gaze behind her was sultry,
Her waist rambling, it instigated
This fantasy, longed for adultery
As all I could perceive was lated,

Wilson Tinotenda Waison Biography

A son of an electronic engineer and a manicurist, The first in a family of two, little sister Annah. Attended to Zengeza high school studying humanities and major literature in linguistic Advanced level certificate. The founder of Deem.lit.org and also a member of Ghetto Diarries. Currently a student at Open Learning Centre studying ACCA)

The Best Poem Of Wilson Tinotenda Waison


To have vowed in vain
And to stood in a rinsed oath
So inflicting, and all that pain
Endured, alike a peel devoid cloth

To discover, it was all a lie
Promises meant be broken
Tears exuded, despondently to the tie
As I yelp, hurt, left in dejection

My wrath to have built
Reminiscing utmost the phase lost
Thinking I had hewn the fault
Guilt-ridden was all I could post

But now truth be spoken
And virtue to ease vengeance
Since this brother was left broken
Darling be this clearance.

Wilson Tinotenda Waison Comments

Wilson Tinotenda Waison Quotes

Petty thief Pretty theft A dollar bill Ceased.

There is nothing so dearer than a death bed Even the French man crafted the Guillotine All I percive now are heads from the basket Mine yet to drop in the pool, blood stained.

If ever be it politics, I dare utmost to rig Or to pleadge a manifesto so complex To vote my fantasy as it was in dreams

Love and compassion turns a necessity. Though tis an untamed force. When I try to controĺ it, it destroys me. When I try to imprison it, it enslaves me. When I try to understand it, it leaves me feeling lost and confused. Unlike a dog, I bite those I love yet the great the love the greater the tragedy too.

Is it not love that hurts yet Still the amour evokes the Pleasant memory endured Of yester Pierces the heart Left! .Only to embrace tatty Retention, so absurd. How Beauteous when love turns Hatred in a flash so vicious

Blessed be he whom hast borne In sorrow, Not known margins Betwixt love and hate. Mongers Bred whom known not grieving Even time to vote her Serpents If not an Orang-utans **beasts That devoid affectionate caress And inflicts at pleasure...

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