Royston Nella

Royston Nella Poems

I almost lost you yesterday.
My life all shattered and in disarray.
God could have chosen death to part
and brought such sadness to my heart.

As I gaze out of my window I see
each new morning a fresh bloom greeting me.
With its purple trumpets clarion call
proclaiming joy and peace to one and all.

I hid in the wardrobe thinking this will be great.
But my timing was wrong and I left it too late.
My plan of seduction had gone wildly adrift.
For when you found me hiding there you were so miffed.

He spoke words much stronger than those of death.
as He died and breathed out His final breath
Words of forgiveness, words of loving care,
as He hung upon the cross in agony there.


Love took the cup
and drank it up.
It's empty now for me.

Love turns mere water into wine
and earthly things become divine.
It swallows hurt and hatred up
and sweetens every bitter cup.

I looked into the mirror today
and I just did not know what to say.
For the person looking back at me
was the man I had turned out to be.

Let's take the risk and step out of the boat,
for Jesus will always keep us afloat.
Let's take a chance and reach out to touch
those around us that do not have so much.

Oh foolish man to test her love in this way.
hurting her so and causing her such dismay.
Her wonderful love so faithful and so true
has been challenged by the deeds that you do.

Greater love has no man
than the love I have for you.
For you're such a lovely woman
to love me as you do.

A name above all
on whom people call.
A name revered
and by devils feared.

Swing open wide the stable door.
Come with me now and look down in awe,
as into the manger we gaze,
lost in wonder, love and praise.

'I wanna new one cos this old one is broke.'
She wasn't talking about the hi-fi but her old bloke,
I was a high flyer, but now I've run out of dough
and she wants a new one so this old man has to go.

It was a dry and barren place and you seemed so far away.
My soul was so warped and withered that I couldn't pray.
A long and difficult road had led me to this dark place;
for I had wandered from the path and could not see your face.

It's him Lord and he has done it again!
Why can't he just stop and learn to refrain?
He still wants me to forgive him once more
but he's done it so many times before!

I praise God for each and every year
that I have been married to you my dear.
Each day has been such a delight to spend
with you my lovely soul mate and my friend.

The moment that you were born I was there
and heard your cry as you first breathed in air.
Thrilled by the sheer beauty of your small frame
We decided that Ruth would be your name.

How precious is my computer to me,
it gives me fun and provides great company.
Switched on it helps me to disappear
and into another world to reappear.

I see you crying and I feel your tears,
the sorrow and anguish of so many years.
Such senseless abuse and wanton ill treatment
of someone so young and so innocent!

The Best Poem Of Royston Nella

I Almost Lost You Yesterday

I almost lost you yesterday.
My life all shattered and in disarray.
God could have chosen death to part
and brought such sadness to my heart.

I took for granted the love we have,
but yesterday reminded me my love
of the frailty of this earthly life.
I could have been without my wife!

My dear, you are so very precious to me.
Without you I don't know where I'd be.
I know that death will separate one day
but I'm so thankful it was not yesterday.

Praise God for His daily protection
For His great care and His direction.
He was watching over you yesterday
and has given us another precious day.

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