Dear Mr. Crack (A Plea From A Young Child) Poem by RuNett Nia Ebo

Dear Mr. Crack (A Plea From A Young Child)

Rating: 5.0

Dear Mr. Crack,
Please give my Mommy and Daddy back.
I'm not supposed to talk to strangers
but when they're with you, I know they're in danger.
Since you've come around, they're never home
and I really don't like when I'm home alone.

We don't live in our nice, big house anymore and
this place is so cold. There's no rug on the floor.
Sometimes, I don't get enough to eat.
Daddy's eyes look funny and Mommy doesn't sleep.

I want my Mommy and Daddy back.
I miss all the hugs and kisses.
Teacher told us all about you;
how you cause pain and you don't grant wishes.

I got new clothes one Christmas but Daddy went and sold them.
I saved $5.00 in my piggy bank but one night, it got stolen.
We can't visit my Grandmom no more.
Since the bike she bought me disappeared,
she won't even come to the door.

Give me my Mommy and Daddy back, Mr. Crack!
Oh, never mind. I know what to do.
I'm gonna tell God.
God can get rid of you!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Topic(s) of this poem: addiction,childhood ,prayer

Touching & melancholic. This sad poem represents millions of children live in utter poverty worldwide. And millions of refugee children, added to their numbers is those from the war-torn Gaza. Pathetic. Human apathy has no limits

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Akhtar Jawad 20 February 2018

I don't think it's a funny poem, it's sad and touching, it describes the curse of poverty and how a child is affected by poverty. Great poem.

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Chase S. 17 November 2007

This Poem is very interseting. I would lover to see more added onto it.

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