Ninja Soul

Ninja Soul Poems

It's almost Christmas time,
what will the homeless people do?
How will they celebrate?

Cherish every moment,
that you have with a love.
His or her smile.
His or her laugh.

I'm not who I used to be.
I'm different now.
A better person actually.

You're not who,
who you say you are.
I know this cuz there's,
fractures in the facade of your porcelain beauty.

I believe in the Holy Ghost,
and the speaking in tongues.
I believe what the whole Bible says.
I'm a Pentecostal Christian.

When you've fought and fought,
and you've fallen down.
You feel you have nothing else you can do.
When all else fails.

Some of you peoples,
will think I'm crazy,
maybe even psycho.
Because, The Amityville Horror House,

A girl, who appears to be ugly.
Wrinkled and old looking.

It's her disguise,

The orange rose,
gives you bliss,
happiness and enticement.

Dogs are better than people,
they never disobey you.
They are loyal to you.

Have you ever stopped to think,
What if God was one of us?

I'm a lil sleepy,
but for the most part,
my mind is perfectly fine.
I just don't do good with these,

Life may be hard,
and not always easy.
So much evil happenings.
But, life is a luxury.

Be careful with this wild red rose,
no human planted it.

It was a red dragon.

Hard, Pain, Headaches,
Loudness, Crowdedness, Claustrophobic,
High School.

A whit rose...

If you're in pain,
or in darkness...

Now the time
is come. For us
ninja to fight.
Just because the Samurai

Good night everyone,
As I fall asleep,
with this blanket over my face.

I'm done.
I'm through.

You've betrayed me once.
You've betrayed me twice.

If me and him do come to an end,
it is not because of you.
It will not of been you that came,
between me and him.

Ninja Soul Biography

-Okay, there is one thing I need to share...I'm a cutter...Well I don't cut anymore, but I still say I'm a cutter. I still get the urges and I haven't went a year without cutting...Been quit for only 3-4 months. I have a depression issue...I tend to get depressed and stay depressed for a long time and then get out of it and then end up back in it....But this time, I'm hoping it's for good...But anyways, it's an addiction...The cutting is... -Some of the poems posted are sorta old...But, I'm not putting dates...You wanna find out dates and all that, you'll have to get on for that one, cuz it's the only place I organize my stuff, which isn't completed to be honest.... -http: // v=RBM_srNAOk8 -I've listened to this song probably since it first came out and I was in the middle school. I love this song...Probably always will. -Now, a lotta my old work isn't gonna be able to be published on here for they have bad language in it, which is not allowed on here....I do have another poetry account on another site and they all are located there, including the ones that're on here, of course every poem of mine goes on postpoems first, I've been on there for over 5 years and I don't plan on leaving it anytime soon. I'm a 20 year old chick who's turning 21 in March. I'm a crazy chick...But, hey I love that about me. I'm just free-spirited and I am straight up (Which sometimes, gets me into trouble.) I don't like putting up with people's b/s and I will not put up with it.... I don't care if you love me and I don't care if you hate me...I quit caring about that crap a long time ago, cuz you can not please people and I will not try to be something I'm not...I've been there, done that and it's no fun, trying to be a stupid poser and trying to fit in with the crowd...I will stick with being my free-spirited self. If you don't like it, well I don't care. I believe in God and I am a Christian. I've made many mistakes in my life and yes, I do sometimes wish they had never happened but at the same time, I'm glad they did, cuz they made me into the person I am today...And if you don't understand that now, one of these days you will. I don't like people too much anymore. I use to be a people person, but things have changed and I've been treated wrong for too long and betrayed by friends too many times and so I do have an issue with trust also...But, don't make that think I won't like you...I may not when I first meet you or start talking to you, but when I get to know you and I can get to where I can trust you, that's when I start liking a person... I get mad very easily and it also don't take much for me to get hurt or depressed, but that's what happens when you get hurt so much and you have a pile of emotional scars. I'm probably different than anyone you ever will know....I don't know anyone that's like me...And I don't think anyone ever will be like me...Unless they try to be posers and tries to act like me, but good luck. Here's some music I listen to: Techno: Dj Tiesto and Dj Baby Anne, right this minutes those are the only ones I remember, I don't go to clubs, but those are the type of techno groups I listen to...Oh I just remembered one: Daft Punk. Punk Rock: Rancid, Good Charlotte, Green Day and Sum 41 Rock: 40 Below Summer, Silverstein, Halestorm, Bullet For My Valentine, Evanescence, Default, godsmack and etc. Heavy Metal: Atreyu and right now, I can't think of no other bands. (Curse my memory.) Classic Rock: Poison, Whitesnake, Def Leppard, Guns -n- Roses, John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band, and Bob Seger. Christian Rock: Casting Crowns and Switchfoot. Gospel: Michael Combs, Selah and The Crabb Family. Rap: Eminem Mexican Rap: Lil Tweety, Mr. Shadow and Lil Rob.)

The Best Poem Of Ninja Soul

Homeless People (So Sad)

It's almost Christmas time,
what will the homeless people do?
How will they celebrate?

Seems homeless people are alone,
with just the sky for comfort.

The poor homeless people,
no roof over their heads,
no heat to keep them warm.

It's so sad...

We always take everything for granted,
and homeless people have nothing,
nothing to take for granted.

Ninja Soul Comments

Blue Fang 14 February 2012

Honestly, I think that you're cool. You make poems about real life issues, and i respect that.

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