Joseph Anderson Poems

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A Candid View On Aging

I sat before my desk last eve
To assess my current plight;
The things I see, you might agree,
Indicate a major blight.

Seasons Of Life

How like the seasons is our life,
We face the sunshine, storms and strife;
As seasons come, so they must go,
We are enjoined within that flow.

A Humble Man

Can you find a humble man,
Glad to be on God's green earth?
One who holds no greedy plan,
Knowing wealth has no true worth.

Poetry For The Common Man

O muse of mine please work with me,
Teach me to write simplisticly
And I shall seek no grander plan;
Just poetry for the common man.

A Dogs Life

In an attempt to lighten up my poem site I offer
this doggeral style ditty about my neighbor's dog-

I used to range those farming fields,

A Mother's Words

I remember, still remember
Though she's lately gone ahead;
They still linger, always linger
Precious words my momma said.

Daughter's Gone, Daughter's Gone

Daughter's gone, daughter's gone,
Still my memories linger on;
All those moments through the years
Fraught with anguish, doubts and fears.

A One Eyed Man

This man with only one good eye,
Had labored long to find
The path to God, in a troubled world
That seemed completely blind.

A Little Christmas Spirit

'Tis the day before Christmas
And I'm stuck in the mall,
The traffic is moving
At barely a crawl.

A Chauvinistic Male?

Long years ago we said our vows,
Which ended with a kiss;
In thinking on those years, I see
Some trials, some tears and bliss.

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