Chip Rice

Chip Rice Poems

You said that or I thought you said that
Or was it you said this and not that
I thought I'd figured it out but that wasn't it
Then what was it if it wasn't this or that

Hear the cry in the summer,
feet pounding, hands
clapping, voices shouting,
freedom is coming tomorrow.


I am beautiful and wise.
I wonder why I question my beauty Instead of taking pride in it.

Weekend in Paris by Mr. Chip's
Couldn't speak a word of French
But Neither could you
We walked the miles of Parisian streets

City of the Eiffel Tower!
\City of Escargot!
\City of wine!
\City of women!

Elle me balance dans son étreinte douce et je navigue au-dessus
la brume de la ville troublée.
La musique est dans mon esprit.
Jobim l'a bien dit, une samba. Avec un Beat sexy. Et le crescendo de la castagnettes.

I wrote an open letter to President Obama
I did not expect to get a response
I got a call at home that my letter was read
I listened to the callers voice did I have something to dread

When I revisit Paris
I am going to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
When I revisit Paris
I am going to stay for longer then a weekend

I never met you Toots
I felt like the wonderful musik you wrote
and played you would live forever
or at least I hoped you would

I have loved you

from that winter day.

First all is quiet
Then I hear a song

First it's quiet

Yes it's almost over and we are moving out the woods
But I still wear my mask and I social distance
And I play by all the rules
But I am getting tired also

The Best Poem Of Chip Rice

This And That

You said that or I thought you said that
Or was it you said this and not that
I thought I'd figured it out but that wasn't it
Then what was it if it wasn't this or that
The more I think I have things figured out
The more I always seem to get it wrong
So I'll just throw my hands up in frustration
I'll never figure this one out and so who cares
It would be easier to figure out that age old question
Remember it...the secret to life!

Chip Rice Comments

Mindy Mays 29 April 2022


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