Wild Child

Wild Child Poems

This moment is just the moment
and thats what it will always be
Waves of time wash away
all thats left is sand this day

sometimes i feel you were just like me
free soul and a pair of bell bottomed jeans
afraid time's to gonna get the best of me
stripped of youth and the spirit so free

I like the taste of her lips on a sunny day
as a cool wind blows her hair on my face
i wouldnt want it any other way

green hills and tiny mountains
she conquers in her little world
little girl escapes reality
she dont need no diamonds

i think its time to end this world
i got no aim i got no goal,
a waste of space a waste of time
satisfied by any answer you find,


Every morning a thumping heart
breathless as he steps outta bed,
a shot of pain hits him from the past
words now and then the same,

Everyday a wasted life
going no where, no path in sight
a Broken heart, a restless soul
each moment i feel i'm growing old

Money, the root of all evil
Witch be spreadin' hate between the people
Ill kill my brother for a dime,
the girl, i'll only take half the time

The Best Poem Of Wild Child

Gouge Back The Innocence

This moment is just the moment
and thats what it will always be
Waves of time wash away
all thats left is sand this day
Fresh, and this moment will mould
Once again for time to take

My castles still up you see
tides havnt washed it away
Its just the way I am
new eyes in this world
but I guess thats just me

Im afraid its gonna get the best of me
I take shelter under the house,
built of pink pills and smoke rings
Time goes by fast
Still this castle stands

Maybe youre the wiser part of me
thats slowly starting to see
the short roads not the one to take,
on the other side theres more heart-ache

Hope still glimmers inside of me
Movies and fairy tales have gotten the best of me
False hope gets the best of me
from time to time my soul takes a stride

robbed of innocence along the path
someone tear my eyes out
a price I pay to get it back
robbed of innocence along the path
someone tear our eyes out
a price we pay to get it back

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