Uwakmfon Inwang

Uwakmfon Inwang Poems

Mixed with crimson
and covered with wool.

They receive with hope

Ekombi; a dance of my motherland.
A dance that soothes the soul.

Ekombi; Efik's pride

a wanderer,
journey through three planes,
searching for where to call mine.

(Cheerful drum)

The wheels of my bicycle rolling with ease,
I ride along the rusty path of gray hairs.


Title: Egwu

I heard footsteps approaching, and two knocks on my door.
I thought it was Oluchi, an angel recreated in human form.

Uwakmfon Inwang Biography

A graduate of English and Literary Studies, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. She is a lover of literature, poet and coach at The Writers Manger Network.)

The Best Poem Of Uwakmfon Inwang

The Preacher

Mixed with crimson
and covered with wool.

They receive with hope
the spell of the gospel.
His voice calls with mercy
to devour innocent lambs
waiting jauntily to be sacrificed
on the altar of earth.

Come to me ye labourers
and I will grant you rest
in a place of no return.

One by one,
heads of blessings are counted
and preserved in knackery.
Blood speaks and births
miracles, money and maim-bers
with the seal and smell of death.

Beguiled and bewitched,
they cheer and applaud
to the subtle tongue of their father.

Awaiting the day of reckoning
with their shepherd,
doom calls out to death,
death beckons on the grave
to play and sing
along in high tunes.

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