Unique Princess

Unique Princess Poems


A lie
doesn't seem like much
not something to make a fuss
but it breaks the boundary of trust

If a million shooting stars pasted me by
on each one I would wish for you
and pray that one
would go to you window

Beautiful insect
unlocks its cocoon
tattered she leaves it
to embark on an adventure, she

Family is
Always there when you need them
In times when you want to cry they make you...

Wonder land
In white
Nothing but you and me
Twas Christmas night

Ever since he moved,
he's been changing.
Changing everything
from the way he looks to his religion.

Spring is here
the best time of the year

Snow slowly melting

you are the forgiver
of all our sins
from stealing a fan

Moon in the morning
shows it was there
sometimes as faint as a hair


The giver of Christmas
is Santa
presents he'll bring
with one request

It just bread and wine
Its deep calling to deep,
communication of the spirit
This all nations shall know

To my sister Amanda Maguire


Mother nature's art
Admiring all its beauty,
we give it to our cuties

A feeling of like
and joy
with no escape

Unique Princess Biography

I am 15 and I live in Rutland Vermont. I've loved poetry since was little. I began writing in 8th grade. Please comment on my poetry. I like advice and knowing people like my poems.)

The Best Poem Of Unique Princess

A Lie

A lie
doesn't seem like much
not something to make a fuss
but it breaks the boundary of trust

A lie can
turn a truthful angel into
the liar in your cellar
not a friend
but a secret teller

All this because of a lie.

Unique Princess Comments

Virginia Maguire 21 February 2017

Thank you so much now I can read them all

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