TruE Pasley

TruE Pasley Poems

I was listening to one of my CD’s this morning
On the way to work, and it was like three songs in a row
All about Love…different types of Love. It made me think about
How much I say it, when I say it, who I say it to


I know I have done something to upset you,
All I am asking is for your forgiveness.

All the time it seems like you are on my mind…

I know one day you may get irritated by this.

Well, of course it didn’t go down how I dreamt it…

But please understand how much I meant it

The Best Poem Of TruE Pasley

On My Way To Work...

I was listening to one of my CD’s this morning
On the way to work, and it was like three songs in a row
All about Love…different types of Love. It made me think about
How much I say it, when I say it, who I say it to
And what it really means.

A song came to mind, “Is Love Enough? ”, by Cisco
I apologize for hitting you with this first thing this morning,
But I have to express this.

I Love my family. This is a given. Mom, Dad, etc…
I Love my children. This is also a given. I will kill someone over them.

Now, you. I Love You. Along with that, you are my obsession. A desire
That has been awakened with you to the point where sometimes I can’t focus.
Infatuated with everything that is you…
Your eyes, the way you breathe, walk, talk, chew and sleep.
I Love your daughter, for she is all that is good, pure and innocent about you.
When I think about you, I am excited, warm and scared all at the same time.
Why? Love is scary, plain and simple.

So, “Is Love Enough? ”, by Cisco, is the question.
My answer is no. There is so much more that has to be
Wrapped up in this package of Love. There are really no
Words that can describe how I feel about you and the possibilities
Of us. I.. so much more that Love you, I guess that’s what I am trying
To say, but it doesn’t really say it. U know?

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